— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and Taxi. I take order. I come to the point. The courtyard is illuminated by a single lamp. I see two figures coming out of the entrance, one judging by the height of the child. Sit on the back seat.

and good night. Going like that?

Welcome to. and ah. They went.

Please bring the child in the belt.

There is an unhappy cry from behind:

“Tambovsky wolf you child, fool!”

Unfortunate and incomprehensible. I turn and crawl. There is a real dwarf there.

The child arrives... taxi, passengers, an uncomfortable moment

Until then, I only saw dwarfs in movies and circuses. Well, OK, I think that being flattered in the style of "I thought you're a child so like" will only aggravate the unpleasant situation, and in general I'm above such a fuck just apologizing for starting the move. We go. In the back of my head I literally feel the unhappy eyes of a dwarf. In front of the DPS. I shrugged a hairy ribbon. I stopped.

- Captain such-som Regional GIBDD documents insurance bla bla bla...

and good night. Please please.

Do you take a taxi? Children are lucky?

He looks into the salon. through an open window.

OP is breaking. Why does the child not sit?

Then Tirion took it. The phrase "You creatures bustled, what I busted you child!" He was the most famous in his monologue. Oral for a long time. The captain squeezed that now the best option is this retreat gives me the docks, and immediately gives on the taps in the direction of the post.

The rest of the road of Karapuz was still a long time. Already arriving at the destination he apparently spoke at last calmly asked me why he was all fucking. He replied that someone wanted to fuck him on the street was dark, so it seemed to me that a man of small height was a child, and in the car it was dark, so Gaiishnik also thought that he was a child. The man even apologized a little silently. Apparently a serious complex has developed because of its deviation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna