— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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If someone sees a child alone where unaccompanied children do not have a place, he will report this to the police, such precedents have already been, if the child becomes ill - people will call an ambulance.

In 1997, at the age of 17, I saved a girl. She ran away from her grandmother, slipped, slid down the slope and fell into the ice water. There was a maximum of my chest, but she was only 4 years old, she was scared and started drowning. I pulled it out without even wet my head, but my parents wrote letters to the administration and eventually gave me a medal for saving the dead.
So today, in such a situation, I will call the police, the ambulance, the rescuers; I will take the phone, I will scream, help, but I will not even give her a hand. And suddenly the pop accidentally falls behind and today's parents will write to the administration not to reward me at all.
My friend almost lost his freedom because at a children’s party in the park he sat a crying baby on his neck so that he could see better. And the foolish mother, who was not there at the time, rushed to the police. And now the father of two daughters, one of the most direct and honest people I know, is labeled pedophile-gay, although he was justified.
Pedophiles, just go on!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna