— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This happened in the distant 1992. We got an apartment and decided to put a cage. by Sami. The husband said that to keep the tiles better, it should be done on the walls. I took a tourist hammer and enthusiastically started the business.I could help him with advice and would soon be sent far away, and more specifically to the kitchen to cook lechoes. In general, the work boiled: my husband crushes the walls, I cut the vegetables and here the bell in the door.I after the onion, all in tears, I open the door, and on the threshold my girlfriend-Lubasha.Looked at me and asked what happened?And I told her, say, we divorce, said that first the whole house will be cut off, and then she will leave. Love ran into the toilet, and there, as I said, my husband rubbed the wall with a toporik.With a scream: "Jura, it's wrong," Lubasha hanged on my husband. And the one in misunderstandings, as he says wrongly, does not teach, says, a man and tries to push Lubash away.And Lubash, for the sake of that meter with a hat in height, hangs on him like a clover and screams that it is not possible to do so. The husband is psychotic and grumbling in response, that it will not work out otherwise, that he has a little bit left and you can go to the bathroom... And I think that if I did not laugh, she would have taken the rope from him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna