— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was in the early 2000s. I, a student, was very lacking the scholarship of 225 rubles 40 kopecks. We decide with a friend-one-groupman to "cut the bubble" so that then "nothing to refuse." Internet job search portals were not observed at the time, so we sat down then, opened one popular thick magazine and started looking for a job.

Stopped on some loath proposal, which did not require specific skills and was a free schedule. Transportation to another part of the city.

The first thing surprised the employer's "office"... was the room of the former kindergarten, in which the cabinets were rented. Inside us met all the same remnants of the Soviet time - very rare furniture in the cabinets and lighting as in the "landlake", it was possible to count the twists on the incandescent lamp.

We found the desired office. We enter. They said goodbye and said they came for an interview. And here we were waiting for the first surprise - we were taken to interviews in different offices...

My friend stayed in the reception room, and I was invited to the next adjacent office.

There is the same picture: a table, two chairs, an empty closet, no curtains on the windows... and still on the walls posters of handcraft, which carefully told about how "The best employee of the last quarter rested with his family in Egypt" and in the middle of all this writing from the hand was glued a photo describing the title. On the other wall hanged some "postulates of a successful man"... also written by hand with colorful flormasters.

I sit down. Looking to be successful...

Hello again, call me! “No, I’m the senior manager... I’m going to interview you. I am now recruiting people to my team, successful and prosperous... You want to be successful, drive abroad, move on a expensive car... Tell me what kind of work you don’t like, what would you never want to do?

After a long thought, I give you an answer.

- I would never want to walk in the entrances, apartments, to pair up people unnecessary things, such as pots, brushes, toothbrushes and other lobes (it must be said that such sales were only in the germ at the time)

I hear the answer:

Then you don’t fit us...we’re doing just that!

The curtain. the exit.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna