— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We had a very clever lead in the stream. He told the story before the exam how he himself handed down a difficult subject and his teacher gave a chance to hand over to those who knew nothing - added an empty ticket. Whoever pulls out, immediately assesses “good.”

After these words, he showed everyone an empty A4 sheet, then with the help of a line cut off a strip equal to the width of the tickets and mixed it in a common pile. Many stressed - a strip of paper cut off by a line is easy to distinguish from those cut by scissors.

The most impatient student ran first and picked out the one with an unequal side among the tickets. There was a ticket with the most difficult questions. The teacher smiled cleverly, and the stripped strip rolled in the garbage.

It is a handshake)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna