— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Recently I told a story from the police practice in which a worthy military chosen with the hooligans the most correct line of behavior, and applied force only in the extreme case. The story has caused a fierce discussion. There were also adequate opinions, but one of the main streams was the surprise of such a man's " cowardice". Someone even began to reason with the concepts of the zone - said, you will behave this way, you will become a lifetime under the shell of mistake and a spoonful of hole. You will be a cock. Once again I am convinced of the correctness of Pelevin - the soul of the Russian man wraps the term, and the body is free, he is trying his best to behave according to the concepts, so as not to let God think of anything in the zone. Nevertheless, I, as a professional who has worked for a decade and a half in the law enforcement system, laugh at other citizens' attempts to make an impression on the fool, to be "not fools" in the eyes of "right guys". Just remember that most of these “right guys” are double idiots with eight classes of education. Those who all their lives live in shit and argue with the concepts of Ellochka Ludojadka. They have no desires other than those that the animals share - to have sex, to eat and the opposite of eating, and in all these desires they are extremely inconsistent - he wants to eat, he will rob and eat, he wants sex, he will drop your wife into bushes.
I would like to tell a story that happened eight or nine years ago, which perfectly demonstrates the intellectual level of hypocrisy. I often tell her in schools when they are invited, and I think that thanks to her fans of the AUE culture has become an order less.
There lived a man. He lived very comfortably - near the garage, where his car was still nearby - a small forest with a pond. One day on his birthday he was given a video camera, and he installed it on the kitchen balcony, headed to the garage where his car was standing and connected to the TV. For a nervous person is very convenient - at any time switched to the desired channel and watched if the spana is not wrong near the garage. This camera and played a fatal role in the fate of four scammers at once. No, she didn’t shoot a horrible crime, it was a lot more funny. So, one day, two guests from the sunny South came to visit a man. He, despite all his caution, let the boys into the apartment and took them to the kitchen. It turned out that the guys suggested to install glass packs. The man was not interested in the offer, but the guests continued to insist, and the further, the more. At some point in the dispute, one of the guests from attempts to divorce (this is a well-known topic, very popular at the time - the client does not get windows, but the money is deprived) has already gone to direct threats and demands of money. The man under some pretext ran to the kitchen balcony and spread the camera towards the kitchen, putting it on recording. This maneuver somewhat miraculously remained unnoticed by the scammers. Returning to the kitchen, he offered the guests to go away with a greeting, in response to which he received a hook on the left and straight into the chest. After hitting the man, guests searched the apartment, turning everything in the kitchen including. They managed to pull out a little - some ten or twenty thousand, which was in the man's wallet. Then, with a proud sight, the mountains departed. The man wrote a statement attaching a video recording. Vano and Sergo were detained the next day, eventually fleeing for seven years for the robbery under article 162. But this is not the end of history. During the process, relatives of guests from the South often came to the man, all from the same camp. Someone tearfully prayed to pity and not destroy young souls, someone offered money, and one of the visitors delighted. When he entered the kitchen, he sat in front of the man and laid a gun on the table. He wrapped his sleeves and said, “Do you see this and that tattoo?” I was sitting behind the moisture, and "if you do not take a claim on the biratov..." The man has long been accustomed to accepting these kinds of guests in the kitchen and every time, already going to open the door, put the camera to record. This time the conversation was also recorded. When checked in the police department, the threatening man was immediately established - indeed, a recidivist, who was suspended by 105. The place of residence was also known, and the opera group left at the same time. The defendant was given 2 years for 119 1 (menace of murder, if there were grounds to fear the implementation of the threat). This article is rarely closed. How do you prove that the victim was really afraid and the murderer threatened not in a joke? Usually she goes by steam car to serious bodily injury or attempted murder: that is, conditionally if the villain shouted, "I will kill you," and then crushed the victim, but for some reason did not hit. But in this situation, the person simply wrote a deadline for himself.
But as Zadornov said, “It’s too early to laugh!” Subsequently, another person appeared in the apartment to the victim. He no longer threatened, but expressed himself fluidly: "You know that there is anything that is better to give in such a situation," - well, and so on. The man did not understand what it was, however, in any case took the recording to the operatives. It turned out that on the footage - a known recidivist, announced in search. Two police officers were sent to the man, and for him and his family liberated a service home in the center of the city. It was thought that the operation would take weeks, but the scammer was caught on the second day - he was noticed in a summer cafe near the victim's home. This has already flown to the "White Swan", and the operatives have flown the stars to pursue.
And the funniest thing – what? The fraudsters came on the same rack three times. The lawyers were familiar with the material in the case, they knew perfectly that their actions were recorded on the film, but persistently continued to rape the cactus.
And I also add to the young people who have been permeated by the AUE culture what the unforgettable Colonel Cherenkov told us at the Department of Criminology. From a financial point of view, the criminal is very similar to a prostitute. Who is a prostitute? A girl who has not invested in education, personal skills, but earns as a leader in the field where these abilities are required. Conditionally, if she was a secretary, she would get 25 thousand, become a prostitute, she gets as a chief secretary - 75-120 thousand. And if an honest girl grows in personal skills and her value on the labor market rises, the value of a prostitute falls as she loses attractiveness with age. Also, the scammer - could work as a carrier for 30 thousand, but pulls money from his pockets for 100-150, constantly risking personal freedom and health. So think, young people - what is better, to invest in education, or once and for all to drunk themselves out of the society of decent people, to ruin their lives and earn pennies. In addition, criminals can rarely give something to their children (if they have it at all, which is a comparative rarity), and they become most often addicts, go the way of parents...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna