— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the summer, I often go out to stand on the balcony with a naked torso. A neighbor through several balconies with a young son also go out to boil the bubbles. They look at me and talk about something. Then Dad shouted to me:

Fey, where did you get that carpet? ! to

At first I looked around, looking for a carpet behind me, and then I guessed they were joking about my hairy torso. Both are bald like drums.

Dad gave it! I began to answer.

So it continued for many years, and the joke began to grow thick hair, like the neighbor's son who marries every year. Kolya, his son, by the age of twenty and a little got completely hairy and became like an orangutan.

Where did this carpet come from? ! to Is it time for me to ask a question, pointing to the neighbor’s son?

The neighbor said nothing, only looked away and went into the apartment.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna