— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Cyprus is the state bank. It was necessary to pay for three receipts, which were issued at the embassy and at the same time clearly emphasized the fact that for each receipt you need to get a separate check. At the same time, the embassy said that it is better to go to this department, they say they send everyone there and there the operators all know how to do. Next I am I, O is the cash operator.

I: You have to pay three receipts from the embassy. Please make a separate check for each receipt.

A: I can’t make a separate check, I’ll make one in common.

I: Why can’t you? I was told in the embassy that I needed three separate ones.

A: We all from the embassy do so.

I: Do three separate things so I don’t run there and there.

A: No, we can’t, we all do common.

I: (a bit of the beast) Okay, and if I pay for one receipt now, I will take the check, then leave your window, come back and pay for the second. Then I’ll do this operation again, that I’ll get three separate checks, right?

A: Okay, let me try, but we never do that.

Upon returning to the embassy, he replied, "Yes, it's all right, three separate checks are needed." So there are lazy ones in Europe, too.

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