— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My acquaintance Pasha from childhood was characterized by an increased appetite. In school, he was often irritated because of this, and when he grew up, sometimes offended.

But then, at some point, Pasha disappeared from the field of sight for more than a year, and declared himself to be heavily weakened in the spleen and noticeably expanded in his shoulders. Furor, ovations and congratulations! All the acquaintances were impressed and began to fall asleep with questions:

Pash, well she’s beautiful! How could I?

(P) - Engaged in strength training, abandoned all harmful, fatty, sweet.

A – How? Just completely? You are Kremlin! What prompted you to do so?

(P) Yes, I, like Archimedes, got the insight in the bathroom.

(Z) - Ha, did you sit in it and push out all the water, flooding the neighbors?

(P) – I am... no. I just realized that I became really fat when one day I pulled the trunk out of the bathroom.

A – How is it?

P – So is it. I pulled it out, and I see that the water is melting in the front, but behind me it is holding at the same level...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna