— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was a few years ago, I was looking for a manager in the development department, the director of which I was.

Two candidates attended the meeting. One I liked, the other not. Here is this second just somehow completely disliked, the unclear appearance of a silver official, uncertainty, the northern "blowing" accent, lack of profile experience. I did not doubt the choice. Write resolutions on summaries, give it to the secretary, you put it in the frame - contact the candidate you liked and hire him. What a surprise I was when the second one came out!

I lost the gift of speech at first. I moved to watch and realized that the fool himself and confused the resume, in the frames sent with his resolution wrong. But what to do now? The man has already worked, signed all the papers, himself is ready for battle, looks clear in anticipation of the introduction. You can’t say to him, “Sorry, the mistake came out, we didn’t want to hire you.” Shaking my heart, I decided to spend some time on training a person and see what will happen. And you know what? We worked with him for almost 4 years and he was the best manager in the entire team! He turned out to be so cool that I still regret he had to move to another city and I couldn’t work with him any longer. What am I for now?

It is banal that in our lives a lot is made up of coincidences and mistakes that grow into victories. Give people a chance!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna