— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Surely not one irritates me when someone in public transport speaks loudly, long and thoroughly on the phone.
A typical situation. You go quietly, quietly hanging in the phone, touching no one, and someone calls, and the whole voice begins.

And in the next 10-15 minutes, tons of someone else’s personal life fall on your unhappy head and ears. From the colour of children's cocks and family clashes on the phone to super important business issues that need to be solved right now in the bus and not a minute later.

But today I’ve gotten a little overwhelmed.)

I am in the bus, the people are carpenter, I am standing in the passage, a 50-year-old aunt is sitting next to me. Her phone rings and for the next twenty minutes the aunt talked loudly and in detail with someone about her niece. I learned the age, the name (Oksana), the place of work of the unfortunate, what health problems she has with the "woman" (because of which she couldn't get pregnant for a long time), learned about her grandson's pups and kindergarten. Finally, when it came to me that she needed to urgently give birth to a second child in order to get maternity capital, a friend called me.

I took the telephone and, looking into her face, said loudly to the comrade that I could not talk to him, as I had not yet known when Oksana would be giving birth to the second child, and whether it would be possible to do so because of her gynecological problems.

Seeing the angry and red face of the aunt, as well as hearing the laughter of passengers, is invaluable.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna