— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I met with a guy. He introduced me to my parents, the evening was wonderful, the parents - a miracle. But it happened that we began to communicate very closely with his mother. We went shopping, discussed everything and, in general, became her daughter, as it usually happens, but a girlfriend. Once we went to the cinema with her, and then decided to go shopping. After a while, I decided to call the guy and ask where he was. To this question, he replied, “Mom asked for help, I go with her.” He didn’t say anything, turned off. His mother calls to him and asks where he is. He says he is walking with me. Both are laughing and hysterical. I call his friend and say, “He said he’ll meet you today, is he there?He replied, “Yes, he just went to the toilet with him. The other friend said exactly the same phrase. His mother for some reason immediately remembered his former: they came to her Instagram, a new story - she is in a neighboring house, across the road from us. Of course, we went there immediately. Oh a miracle! We see her son and my boyfriend along with this ex. His mother decided to make an original exposure: we took a selfie where this couple was visible. Then I decided to write in the ck: sweet, are you still with your mom? The answer is “Yes.” "What a coincidence, I too" and attached photo. You would see his face. I love this woman - a tracker, I't even think of it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna