— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yesterday afternoon, I leave the house and see a neighbor putting children’s saucers near the garbage containers. It seems to be whole, but a couple of wooden planks are missing on the seedle, but the frame is whole. Near the evening, some of the children did not get enough of the saucers, and they were taken out of the garbage. I go out in the evening to the store, I see again the same neighbor goes, "his" sandwiches again to the garbage.

I: Zadarova, what, decided to remember childhood, to ride saucers? (Born right behind the house)

Neighbor(s): No, this is an old daughter’s sandwich. I bought new ones today and throw them away.

I: So you’ve thrown them out already?

C is thrown. Our local Spanish picked up, and rides.

I: Well let them ride, you threw them out!? to

Q: What does it mean to “ride”? This is my daughter’s sandal!! to

And I suddenly presented a picture of a bombardment in a garbage container, and he said to him, "Don't eat this cluttered bottle, it's mine. I threw him out!”

Marriage is strengthened.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna