— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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According to a familiar doctor.

Each of the doctors working in the clinics encountered such a person as: "I know everything myself, and you are stupid, and I will tell you how to treat me." At the same time, these characters are "prescribed" in the clinic and go there almost every day.
So one day such a patient took out a respected doctor in years. The doctor, by the way, was the charm and politeness. Patients have always (well or almost always) been sincerely grateful to him. The doctor, having had to listen to the "personage", her endless "all the thieves are doctors around, nobody knows how to treat and does not want to," - did not stand and openly sent to x#@. The person was naturally upset to the depths of the cockerel by such a statement and she immediately ran with a complaint to the chief doctor. This dialogue took place in the headquarters:

A person from the threshold of transitioning to ultrasound: - Do you know what your doctor permitted?! to
The doctor-in-chief said, “I’m sorry, but I’m absolutely sure that Dr. K. couldn’t do anything damnable – that’s Dr. K!
The person, clutching from the overwhelming feelings: - This is your K... He... He... He sent me to x#@!! to
The doctor answered surprisedly and upsetly: - And you decided that it was here?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna