— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went out for a walk with a dog, next to the house a kindergarten. At the edge of the entrance to the garden is a man lying on the ground, next to him is a boy of 5 years old, crying heavily. I approached them, wanted to help, whether little to him, the heart or what... And he is drunk in the shell, hardly speaks. Who gave this companion in the garden son is a mystery. Oh well okay. It was his fault, not his fault, that his father had stumbled. I asked the child where he lived, and he said he would show the way.

And here we go. In one hand a dog who is shocked by what is happening, in the other a child who is shocked no less than a dog. A drunk batyu was picked up, he moved in autopilot mode and with the help of God. The man tried to tell me all the way about the fact that he crashed at the funeral of a friend, the child told about his day in the kindergarten. I listened to the stories and thought about what to do with them. Here the idea came to mind to call the boy's mother (with his words she was at work) and tell her about the condition of her husband and that the child with him is in a frightened state. She answered the call, I told her this story, she said it was clear and put the phone on. In short... We got to their house half by half with grief (it was decent to go), and here a new test is the 5th floor of a five-story house. The father barely stood on his feet, fell from the stairs twice, broke his head, but was conscious. I found the keys from his apartment, I wanted to open their apartment. While I was busy picking the keys, the mother of this family came, I gave her the child, the phone, the keys, the package of a man. And she... She silently just opened the door, took the child, her husband and everything. and all! No thanks, no please. I, of course, did not plan to collect laurels, but fucking... I briefly took my pet and we went home thinking of such an unusual walk...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna