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How Eugene Leonov's son punished

Probably, everyone knows that Leonov was a great kind, simple and open man. Almost all of his characters had the same character. The actor loved his family. The son of Andrew Leonov danced as much as he could. And the son rose with a shell in one place...

They called Leonov to school somehow: Andrusha, in front of the whole class, scratched rows and broke the lesson. The teacher was in shock and performed the program to the maximum - not only complained about the scapegoat, but also the father literally struck him in the corner, explaining in detail to him which of him was the father and educator. Poor Leonov got such a nervous shock that, not thinking for a long time, he decided: at home, I will give such a crack to a wretch that he will never forget!

Leonov did not rush home - decided to walk to calm the nerves. On the way home, he met a woman, almost an illustration of the answers of Armenian Radio – who “in one hand a grid, in the other a light, a five-year plan in front, behind a drunken Ivan.” Only this Ivan was not behind - only a huge bag and a crying little girl in both hands. The girl immediately recognized Leonov and laughed - he kindly smiled in response. A confused mother greeted the actor and said to her daughter:
“You see, Winnie Pooh laughs with you.

Leonov returned home in a great mood, of course, and to think of forgetting the crack. Calling Andrew, he just said:
“Well, son, show me what kind of kids are you in school?
Andryusha in response made such a makeup that Eugene and Wanda whispered all night.

Andrei Leonov is a famous actor. Because he actually had a good upbringing and a wonderful father.

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