— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The start of Carlson reminded me very much of a fighting club. Carlson for Baby as Tyler Darden. The baby is clearly mentally unstable when he sees Carlson for the first time. He was beaten, his parents are not involved, there is no contact with his brother and sister, the dog was crushed. As a result, he spreads the room (fighting club) being in his alternative personality. Which is not afraid of anything, nothing and no one needs anything (except a bowl of strawberries and a huge cake with crumbs) and in general the complete opposite of the baby. Parents eventually find nothing smarter than leaving a seven-year-old alone and going to the cinema with the whole family. A classic of the genre - he went out to the window. In reality, such cases exist and do not end so positively. A sad thriller.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna