— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We rested with a girl in the south, bought there an inflatable mattress. We took a break, took a break, it was time to go home. We started collecting suitcases and realized that the mattress is not needed because it is heavy and takes up a lot of space. We decided to give it for free, preferably for people with children. It would seem like a hideous task, but it is not! We started walking and offering our sailing, and we are all scratching! People have lost faith in humanity and honesty so much that nobody believed us, everyone thought it was a divorce. As a result, some as given to aunt who had 3 children, the happiness of the children had no limit. And the aunts even when we wished a good rest and said goodbye, looked at us with suspicion.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna