— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I gathered one day to combine the pleasant with the useful - to clean the bowl and buy milk, bread and other everyday products. 300 rubles in coins of 2, 5 and 10. I went to the nearest network store, picked up the necessary details, threw the cost to fit in my modest budget and go ahead to the box office. It came out about 275 rubles, + - 15 rubles. In one hand provision, in the other fist of a coin, like in Buratino. It is my turn, I lay out the products, I count the coins. I regret, I decided to ease my brain activity and, knowing that I had 300 rubles, put 25 in my pocket, and the rest gave to the cashier to count. If so, I think I will add. As a result, it came out 285 rubles (calculated, but I can, I am a humanitarian : d) and I am already lying in my pocket for the supplement, but here the cashier says:

You have 32 rubles.

Here I am overwhelmed by panic, I think convulsively: I do not have so much, I do not know how to count, mathematics is the queen of the sciences, and I am superfluous in this kingdom, etc. Now something needs to be removed, the conditional "Galia, we have cancellation" - a tough woman, my turn will break me. I have a sacred question:

is exactly?

The treasurer, lowering his eyes, said:

Well, I said that approximately.

While I was collecting my jaw from the floor and trying to turn my eyes back, she recounted and took the same 10 rubles that were missing from me.

As I left, I thought that not everything was lost with me, and the cashier, probably, was also a humanitarian.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna