— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About doctors and robbers.

At the beginning of the zero, I was diagnosed with cancer. And as they found out, the usual district surgeon, to whom I went with a complaint of back pain, immediately sent me to the Ostrowski Hospital in Sokolnikov. There in the reception room sent for X-rays, immediately did all the tests and placed in the female oncology department. by Cito. A day later, w. At the department, an elderly, hard-talking Armenian woman did me have an operation. Before the operation, she began to ask me how I got to life like this. A tumor of 4 cm is a really giant tumor, it is impossible to ignore. I say that for a long time I have been observed in a mammologist of a pathological clinic of pathological management of a very pathological structure. For the money. and expensive. That there are problems with the tumor and metastases to the lymph nodes he could not but see. But the money was more expensive for him. Therefore, he was feeding stories about ordinary inflammation. It was cold, said the Armenian, and something longer in Armenian. What I am writing here and now is a monument to that woman surgeon. Three other women came with me. We are now friends. All are alive. And we did not approve the protocols of treatment, we did not stand in line for the quota, we did not extortion a ruble of money. We were just healed. by Cito. A terrible system. have modernized.

Now with the same diagnosis comes to the doctors of a colleague. It’s bad, she says. Tumor is 1. We need to operate, a million without quotas, but there are no quotas yet. Write down there and there. Will have to wait. Well, so far, according to the approved treatment protocols, we must prochemize and pro-radiologize you. Do a dozen other analyses. You are sorry, but even with your diagnosis - everything is paid and we as the leading organization in the country - everything is very expensive. How much, well, for example, one X-ray tomography session as two of your monthly pensions. Plus this and for that. I want to live. had to pay. Here is the quota and you can lie under the surgeon's knife. and happiness. You will pay another hundred for the tests before the operation. They are not included in the quota, but they are mandatory under the protocol. by Plato. It is you. performed an operation. And if the surgeon in the Ostrum hospital with the wrong medicine released patients without complications, then now in the right medicine, everyone comes out with complications - then paralyses, then organs are rejected, then what outrage. And according to the protocol of the unfortunate also shattered radiation and not point, but whole. The tumor is called. They are the best in the country.

Tell me, why be surprised if medicine from now on is the sphere of service. How much paid, for this amount and brought you the waiter and the doctor, the goods. This sector has to make money. They earn as they can. Another colleague (man), to confirm the severe diagnosis by doctors of Israel, needed surgical cuts of tissue, biopsies. On request of tens of thousands of rubles, they were handed over. How the tubes were exported is a separate story. Very terrible, because they had to eat part of the fabrics at the request of vigilant border guards. The most sad thing is that the imported tissues were part of foreigners. of women. Stupidly sold to the man foreign, female, pieces of flesh. for the diagnosis. It was hoped that in other countries there was no mandatory DNA analysis. And what they would treat is not at all that and it doesn’t matter. Because I wanted a lot of money.

I am sure that many of you will talk about similar "successes" of medical reform. But how I miss those magical Armenian phrases and the hands of the doctors of the women’s department of hospital No. 33, who saved us then from a terrible disease. How would they help those unhappy who are now under the scourge of protocols and financial programs of current medicine? All of Health!

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