— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I learned to read thanks to my older sister Ire and the big beautiful cubes with the alphabet. When I was five years old, I could read every child’s book. My sister taught me to write in print.

I learned to write letters at 9 years old. And the very first was written not somewhere, but in the editorial office of the Russian newspaper "Week". Having recorded in the courtyard all the known calculators, the names of the games and outlined their rules, I sent this work to Moscow. This was suggested to me by a sister who read in the newspaper a call to send street children’s folklore. She also edited all my calligraphically written text. And soon on my name came a firm editorial envelope, and in it a letter printed: "Dear Olya! Thank you for your attention to our newspaper. We will definitely use your letter in our publications.” And then something spiritual about how wonderfully I wrote and told everything, and wishes to learn well, and that there is no mistake in my letter, and so keep, and write more! ...and signature: correspondent of the department of culture, a journalist.

And the world turned. For the first time I saw my name printed, and for the first time I felt the strange excitement of all these amazing words - the editorial, department, correspondent, journalist, publications... After I read this letter on a hard white paper ten times, I ran to the second floor to my friend Ole, then jumped around my sister who had returned from school, read it with an expression to my parents and boasted in the yard.

At night, unable to fall asleep from the excess of impressions, I endlessly touched the magical letter lying next to the tablet. Before I fell asleep, I gave up my career as a circus coach forever and decided to become a journalist. And in the culture department of some big newspaper with the same beautiful envelopes and polite staff.

Such early professional orientation brought its fruits in fifteen years. I’ve been happy all my life to do what I love. And again – I am very grateful to the man who in the endless editorial park found time to answer a girl from the far Krasnoyarsk.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna