— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On a warm day I went to the garden. On the way, I bought pears in the store. worked a little. I decided to eat one. While eating, Petrovich came out of the neighboring house. I know that three days ago he had a birthday. Several neighbors were “wrapping” with him. Probably not one day...
Looking around me with an awkward look, I noticed a pear. He swallowed and looked at a couple of his pear trees.
I decided to start the conversation:
Drop it, that is all. They flower! And I point with my hand, in which the bite of pear is pressed, to the tree.
Petrovich for some reason frightened, and in his eyes began to tremble. Again I looked at my pear, looked at my pear trees. And with a loud voice he asked:
What is the month?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna