— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The children! I am so old that:

1st As a child, he wore socks under his shorts. Collies appeared a little later.

2nd My peers learned to write with pens. Our class was experimental, the first in the city to be allowed to write with balls.

Three When I was born, there was no vase. When I went to school, there was no. There were three brands of cars: Zaporozhye, Moscow and Volga. My dad bought the first Jiguli when I was already a pioneer.

4 is He collected marks with astronauts in live streaming as flights and marks came out. Not from Gagarin, of course, but about from the Coast. He cried when the Soyuz-11 crashed. Volunteer, Wolves and Patsayev

5 is The heroes of political anecdotes were not Putin and Trump and not even Gorbachev and Reagan, but Brezhnev and Nixon. The toilet in the pioneer camp was a white house, and instead of “go swallow” we said “call Nixon.”

6 is I didn’t scream on Alice Selezneva. When “Guest from the Future” came out, I was already an adult married man. Instead of Alice, we had Xanka from The Untouchable Avengers.

7 is As a child, I listened to gram plates and I remember the difference between the ordinary at 78 spins and the long-playing at 33. The first magnetophone appeared when I was already a student.

8 is On the first film Vysotsky, which I heard to the hole, there were no songs "Dialogue at the TV" and "Dear Transmission" - he has not written them yet.

9 is I remember not only discs, but also perforators and perforators. And even perfocards for 45 columns, with round holes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna