— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I once tried to call a master from the mountain canal just to clamp the counter.

I recruit them. I am listened to and they say "on matters of clamping of the meters you need to call a special phone, it is just about such matters that we have." They dictate him.

I think, ah, it is great. A separate number under their counters. I call this number. And I come from there with an expression in the style of "pets, dogs" and they say "the challenge of the master ONLY on a written (handwritten) statement submitted to the reception."

Do you understand, dear Pickup? They have a special number with a specially trained hamstring aunt who specifically takes the phone to send you to the reception room for paper.

In short, I put everything I thought out to them on the mail. It facilitated. If you are fooled and fooled in any office, do the same. Help will not help, but it will be easier for the soul.

“Hello, dear city of Smolensk. I am writing to you from the distant future, the 21st century, 2019. I don't know if you already have the Victorian era or you are still suffering in the dark ages of the Middle Ages, but I have light news for you: in our time, the application for a master's call all companies make by phone - this is such a magical thing that allows people to communicate at a distance. Very good truth?

I know that you still need to appear to each hologram personally and write a handwriting by applying your literacy, but now that you have great knowledge of the technologies of the future, you can take advantage of them and change your work. Per in ten or even five years the suffering will not be burdened with the duty to reach your threshold.

You are truly a Smolyan.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna