— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Two years ago, I went on a business trip to America. At some point, a black man was trying to slip ahead of me. I asked him to get up at the end of the line. He instantly picked up the air in his chest and said very loudly and hysterically, “Is that all because I’m black? “!”

I am a non-conflict person and quite scary to aggressive people who are bigger than me. But at that moment, without expecting myself, I calmly gave up:

“No is. That’s because I’m Russian” and with the wildest Russian accent added, “do you have any problems?”

There was silence in the cafe. The black man was slightly discolored and left. I never understood because of the fear of stereotypes about dangerous Russians or he did not know what to answer because of a system error.

P.S. Cassir was noticeably respectful to me.

P.S. Then I tried all day to figure out where I got this last phrase from. And I remembered, it was in the performances of the standaper, he told how he was saved by the Russian accent in a critical situation) It really saves and I did not think that this whole Russian beetle could ever be useful in life. Thanks to the American cinema for the images of the Russians shot on their heads.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna