— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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After the winter holidays, we were told that the physics teacher was seriously ill. And now, the lessons of physics will be conducted by a combinator. He is not a teacher, but a literate, works in the factory as the deputy chief of the IVC. We studied in the tenth grade, and the ladies who planned to enter the institute organized an unauthorized rally:

Can you find another physics teacher? After all, we have a graduate class, and physics should be led by a teacher, not a deputy! Rubanula from the shoulder Olga Filimonova.

"It is difficult to find a teacher at the height of the academic year," he replied, "thanks to Stanislav Vladimirovich that he agreed to help us. I’m sure he will do it because he has a higher education in physics. Why are the boys silent?

- And we will learn it by textbook, independently, - replied Sergey Vychin, who had been in school for the second year and regretted not going to the school after the eighth grade.

This is wonderful! Do not deceive me, and without provocations! I summarized the summary.

On the change before the lesson of physics, we took our seats. There was no teacher yet, and the girls held a secular conversation, in a very echoed tone:

I don’t know if I go to another school.
I saw physics. Girls, he is bald!
My school was crying. Work as a cleaner!
If so, I go to the director. Who is with me?
– Let’s all go, – someone replied for everyone.

Physicist was forty years old, tight, cute, with smart and cheerful eyes. The lion was powerful! Satiric said of such, “Walks with intelligence.” The physicist quietly wrote his FIO on the board, and turned to us, said:

- Write in the notebook, it's me. Since I don't have a pedagogical education, I won't waste time educating loboths. I’m used to working with a high CPA, so those who aren’t interested in studying physics can move to the back. Play the sea battle, but be silent! All the others, move to the front seats, I will work with you. The questions?

What is IWC? I asked.
A good question! I'll arrange your class for an excursion to the IVC, there I'll tell you everything.

The physicist taught the lesson easily and easily. And when we started solving the tasks, he laid out on the first batch a small box with keys on which the numbers and signs were large drawn. Seeing the confusion in our faces, he said:

- Since we do not have a math lesson, we will not waste time dividing the column. This thing is called a calculator, and it will help us with calculations. How to use them, I will teach everyone.
Will you count on it yourself? I asked.
No, I insist that each of you learn to use them. Believe me, you will need it.

At the end of the lesson, the physicist made us a dizzying proposition:

I want to give you an optional homework. Whoever can do it, all five for a quarter. The Automatic! Are there wishes?
by Daaa! He swallowed the whole class.
- You need to explain why when short-circuit, the wires sparkle. From the point of view of physics. Duration of execution is a week.

Only God knows how much literature our class has translated! I even arranged a short shutdown at home in the hope that the illumination would fall on me, but unfortunately. By the end of the week, I was surrounded by excellences and demanded:

Tell me the correct answer!
How do I know? I was surprised.
You are a radio amateur.
And what?
The Jedi! You don’t need 5!

Having learned that no one was able to cope with the task, the Physicist reassured us:

Relax, nobody knows that. You have learned a lot of interesting literature.

The trip to IWC made an impression on me. Large computers, and bushes of plates in the room for their repair and cabinets with radio parts, I considered the longest. And the thought revolved in the head: “Here would be!” and the IWC is an Information and Computing Center.

At the graduation exam in physics, I went with the intention to answer five! I was lucky with the ticket, and when I got to practice assembling the circuit and building the Volt-Amper characterization of the reostat, electricity was missing in the school. I did not get confused, drawn a scheme and a formula for calculation. I was praised, and I, in the spark of dog enthusiasm, said:

Thank you to Stanislav Vladimirovich!
“Boer, Ohm’s Law, you were in the seventh grade. What about Stanislav Vladimirovich? I asked Zevs.
He inspired me!
Do we mean no? He smiled to Zavo.

The non-standard thinking of Physics was manifested during the graduation evening. There was only champagne on the table. But someone cautiously brought a bottle of vodka. The entrance to the school and the classes were closed, and we decided to drink vodka in the toilet. But almost the vodka was put on the window, as the physicist went to the toilet.

Ladies and gentlemen, be calm! The physicist said, I understand. I hide myself, but I do not advise drunkenness. You will meet the dawn. Better on your feet than under the fence. I propose the following regulation. You take me in part, and I pledge to pour vodka fairly.
I agree! We have rattled.
A glass alone?
and yes.
I understood! Drink like in the West.
Is it how? I asked.
In small doses. Who got the first 50 grams?
What is so little? Morin was surprised.
Six to fifty, and I have two hundred. As an elderly and for breaking.

No one argued. The physicist last drank fifty grams, and the rest of the vodka poured into the washer. To relieve the tension, the physicist asked:

Where after school?
In a military school, someone replied.
In the army, three people answered.
- In the Technical School, replied Vichin.
In the locomotive, I said.
- Give me advice, go to the factory, stutters are always needed! And they get four hundred rubles, and I get two hundred.

The physicist left the banquet in English without saying goodbye.

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