— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was 10 years ago: returned from the army, set up a small outsourcing office with a sysadmin - 5 firms were given a piece to accompany (come, asked what to repair, wiped out the server with a cloth, until tomorrow!) Often the one-time customers were thrown: either to set up something new, or to repair the unworking. Application for treatment of the virus. Usually you come to the challenge and the person who challenged you introduces you to colleagues: a programmer/sysadmin/computer/engineer/sucher... but not this time. I walk quietly into a small office, I approach a random girl, I guess, so and so - the virus came to treat, where, to whom to go? The girl turns toward the door and loudly, so that they can hear: "Peter Sergeiich! o_O is a miserable resemblance of what was written on my face. It turned out that on a super-popper important compete caught a blocker, which showed someone's hot biscuits, promising to melt the story of walking on the porn sites of your mom. The banner is removed, the computer is treated, money and psychological trauma are received, because nobody has called me so yet!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna