— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The son told. I’m sitting with my friends at the cafe in the evening. Those who smoke, those who only smoke. Suits a man strongly in support, begins a conversation for life. I wanted to talk, apparently. He stands next to and offers something, and even Gosha from time to time pulls his sleeve, listen, say. After some time, Goshe got tired of it, he said something to him almost to his ear, he sneezed and decidedly headed toward the road. Come to the sign of the pedestrian crossing and let it roll and pin.

The haishniki, who guarded on the opposite side of the street, were so upset by such greed, but quickly confounded and bound the hero.

We then asked Gosh what he said to him. Yes, he got me so, says, I see - mints like, well, and sent him to them closer:

- We argue on the bubble, you will not break the mark!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna