— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One of the creators of the theory of controlled nuclear synthesis, the academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Mikhail Aleksandrovich Leontovich did not like jackets, necklaces and walked everywhere, dressed in a simple way. One day, he and his colleagues met at the airport with a delegation from the United States who flew to Moscow for a symposium. One American professor, having received a baggage, began to look for a carrier. Leontovich was caught in his eyes in a worn cowboy, and the American handed him a heavy suitcase and a dollar. Leonovich cried out, but I put the donos in the car.

How surprised was the American scientist when he saw that the symposium was opened by this known carrier.

During the break, a confused overseas guest approached Leontovich with an apology:

Sorry, I insulted you with my dollar bill. Let me take her.

No is! Leontovich answered proudly. I earned that dollar honestly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna