— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A group of Chinese tourists during a tour of the Red Square found the body of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the lawn and brought it to the Mausoleum.
In fact, on the lawn next to GUM was not Lenin, but the Moscovite Alexander Karlyšev, who earns money by photographing with tourists in the image of the leader of the world proletariat. Externally, he is very similar to Ilyich, and his suit and tie are tailored to Lenin's pattern taken from the photographs. After drinking a little with Stalin's double, Alexander went to rest, but then the Chinese noticed him. They decided that the perpetrators had kidnapped and thrown Lenin’s body, lifted it up and carried it with respect to the Mausoleum.
Employees of the Kremlin Command, who guard the Mausoleum, were extremely surprised when two dozen Chinese began to knock on the door of the graveyard. They were even more surprised to see what tourists were trying to bring into the mausoleum vestibule.
“I even sent a fighter to see if our Vladimir Ilyich was in place, so much his twin was similar. Then I tried to explain to the Chinese that this Lenin is not ours, but they did not understand Russian, and I do not speak Chinese. For half an hour, he tried to explain with them, then shrugged his hand and took Lenin under his responsibility," the commander told reporters.
Carlysheva was not given to the Chinese to enter the mourning hall of the Mausoleum. They laid him on the floor of the vestibule and, lowly worshiping the body, left. Waiting a few minutes, the officers put Lenin slightly trembling outside.

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