— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was five or six years old, I first watched the movie "Bloody Sports".

One day, his father recorded this film, giving his friend, uncle Vite, an old cassette.

It was only after Van Damme and Bolo Yen went out to the match to fight in the final fight that there was a film interference and 3 healthy Negritos roasted a German on the couch. I wondered what these actors were, why they weren’t in the movie before. 😄😄 😄

This was my first #DasiFantastic#

Then my father and friends watched this tape under a beer. The father told his friends that it was his son’s favorite tape, but when the last battle began, I ran into my room ashamed and soon heard a loud roar from his company.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna