— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the university, there was a subject in the first course called "Science of the Earth". Couples on it went on Saturday morning, so I safely put on it and never appeared in the semester. When the session came, I delayed the visit to the last. In the meantime, a lot of group members went to transfer. When I opened the textbook, I realized that most of the materials on the subject very strongly intersect with the school course of geography (tectonic plates, volcanoes, etc.).Which I loved very much and which was given to me in principle very easily. After reading a couple of chapters, I decided that I would try to bring out on school knowledge. And the day I appeared at the door of the office, a third transfer was given with me by several group members. They sat away from the textbooks and turned around the whistle when they saw me quietly talking on the phone with a friend. At the very start, the prede looked at me inappropriately, apparently in connection with the fact that he saw it for the first time and offered to pull a ticket. I pulled out just the ticket on the subject of which I was doing a lecture in school, respectively deepened into the topic, and minimally prepared asked to go to answer. What was the surprise of the lecturer and all who were in the audience, when I calmly answered the questions of the ticket and a few additional. However, the teacher said he did not remember me at the classes, asked without preparation to try to answer another ticket. That ticket was also known to me from the school program and I began to answer what I could remember. However, after a couple of proposals, the teacher asked for my check-in, so he saw that the material I knew and there was no further reason to question me. This is how I began to hear among one half of the fellow groups lucky, and in the others a briber, although there was no such practice at our university in principle.

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