— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered how they were sent to the military committee for analysis.

A young nurse before taking blood from a vein 15 times asked if I was not afraid of injections.

And then, the infection, the whole hand blew out, trying to get into the vein (a thick self). As a result, the classic "BabManya" reached three me and took the analysis from the first attempt.

It was not scary.

But when I caught pneumonia and I was given the usual most intra-pocket injections - the nurse also decided to stamp without sentiment in a vertical position. and hit. I got nervous, the redis is not good. His eyes darkened, shaken, but he did not fall. For the next five minutes, my throat could only make a “Y” sound. For the next three days I tried to curl away only when I saw her red hair in the hallway and demanded a curl exclusively in my shoulder. I was never afraid of injections, but the memory of that nurse still causes a nervous tremors.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna