— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Decided to go to the mountains to ride, when calling a taxi left a comment in the appendix: "With me snowboard in a 170 cm blanket." I drove, came back and I needed a taxi for my grandmother somewhere in a week. I called, the grandmother came, laughed and told me: I sat in a taxi, the driver looked at me strangely and said: - A snowboard where?, I ask him: - What snowboard?, he shows: - Here in the appendix commentary that you will be with the snowboard. And since when I left called a taxi with her, together they were still discussing what to leave a comment, she understood that it was left from my order, and since she loves to joke, she said to the driver: - A, enter the bag! They and the driver laughed, then she explained to him that the mistake came out, and I never understood how the comment from one order went to another.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna