— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once in the year edak in 2000 I had a computer on which, among other things, was the game Moorhuhn. My father never played anything but a preference on the compass, but this game caught him heavily. Since he worked like a cursed man, he played at night. And, being a person quite gambling and enthusiastic, well succeeded in this game, showing cool results (who remembers - there was not just a shot of chickens, there were also cunning combo that had to be found, taught and performed).

Accordingly, in the table of leaders (example from below) he was in the first place (I did not play chicken) and constantly fought himself with his own records.

So I decided to triple it (then there was not this word, but the essence of it was), set up ArtMoney, and after school, while my father is not there, I hacked this table with the program and added a little more points than my father's record, thus getting on the first line. My father was very surprised, sometimes angry, and at night tried to break my fake record. and beat. The next day it repeated again. and again.

My father’s hunting chickens I pumped well, but I’m still ashamed of this deception. I have never confessed to him so far. I think it will be the hardest confession in my life. This is the story.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna