— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The 44-year-old woman was unemployed. Being a good and sought-after specialist, I am not especially upset, especially since there is always a demand for sellers. I wrote a resume, posted it where it was appropriate, sent it to vacancies... 2 months have passed, no response, there is no silence at all. The lady began to get nervous, and after moral torments went to the counterfeit - added to the date of birth 5 years. Three weeks of waiting, the result is zero. Then, continuing her vicious path, she rejuvenated herself by another 5 years... In the next two days, the lady went through 9 interviews. And every one of them!) ended with an invitation to work. At recent meetings, she had already admitted with some coquetiness that she was slightly sluggish with age. But the employers were only astonished with their hands, and some mulled compliments about the appearance.

The Conclusion. Candidates over 35 are not reluctant to consider, their resumes are simply not read. This is the story of 2012. Now everything is probably even better.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna