— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The most memorable New Year was seven years ago. We lived in a dormitory with dumb neighbors-alcoholic pigs. They were able to buy an apartment in a mortgage, but have not moved yet, gathered from day to day, waiting for the weekend to coincide with everyone. There was nothing in the new apartment, no furniture, no food. And in the old room everything was already assembled and packed in boxes, only the TV has not yet been cleaned. We prepared a simple dinner, almost all the dishes were cleaned, we ate on our knees without a table, we hugged, probably for the first and last time, such a family we have, we never hug. Here is the whole new year. We were happy that we moved soon, that we were given a mortgage, that we finally got rid of this communion. There has never been a better new year in my life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna