— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Not my husband told me. He works in a commercial base, and there, in
The guard has dogs in the state. Among them are distinguished
One is not a dog, but a dog (more accurately, a cowboy) - a Caucasian with a compound
I don’t know what, there seemed to be a bear and a dog.
Baskerville (although it doesn't shine, but it's terribly scary to approach!). this
Dogs are allowed to walk only at night, and only on the territory of the base,
Not to be afraid of the spring.) is
But there are more in the trading base (right!) Mice in the state.
There must also be a cat animal. It consists of. and this
The worker is a cat, no, a cat! He even catches mice during the day, but at night...
at night... Near the village, and there are so many cute cats that are already
It was spring madness.
Once the cat came back to work in the morning all scratched.
Another time, the cat returned to work in the morning with a bitten ear.
For the third time, the cat came to work with a broken lap.
For the fourth time, the guards did not find the thunder on the territory of the base.
No cats or dogs.
The workers came back for lunch. They walked on the road from the village shoulder to shoulder.
(as far as possible with the difference in height), on both faces, more precisely,
on the mouths, there was an expression of complete bliss - the cat: finally, he
all the beautiful, and none of the locals stumbled, near such a
The bodyguard! The dog finally showed me how to get out.
From here, I just caught them all.
The spring unites...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna