— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At three o’clock my mother and I were on the train. Next to us was an extravagant 45-year-old woman with a very striking makeup: huge arrows, thick shadows, a bright mask with a contour behind her lips, and a cloth under her head (somehow my mother described it - I don't remember myself). The woman whispered at everyone with contempt, saying that you understand in beauty. The spectacle attracted the attention of others - many watched with laughter and smiles, and my childhood captured comprehensively. I looked in all my eyes, with my mouth open.

My mother’s attempts to tactically distract me were not successful.

And then I said with a breath, but in all my voice:

Mom, look at me! The co-ro le!! to

The woman blossomed :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna