— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case occurred in the early summer of 2019. Traditionally, in order not to be mistaken by the heat in the stone jungles, I take my family for the whole summer to the country. Well, accordingly, you need to buy all sorts of things for the summer, starting with food, ending with household chemicals, etc. After this, I went with my wife to the district center of the Tver region. We went into the fifth – that... In general, we got three (!) chariots with a hill, with the final amount of something in the area of 15 000 rubles (plus-minus for a long time I do not remember). When we went to the box office, an employee (who later turned out to be the director of this Five), a speeder for our mini caravan, opened the box office. Money on the card. Payment does not take place once, the second, the third (as it turned out later, that day there was some failure between Tinkoff and Sber, but then we did not know about it). No other cards. I leave my wife at the box and run to the nearest ATM to collect money. Sberbank, accordingly, the result is the same. There are no other banks in the city. I return to the box office, the employee offers to transfer her money to the card, and she will pay for us from her card. I transfer her, money goes away from me, she does not come to me. The situation is pathetic! Here she says, let me pay for you, and if I don't get the money until tomorrow, then you will send it to me tomorrow - here is my phone for communication. He pays our check with his card. I repeat, in the Tver region, believed in debt to people first seen 15,000 r.!

The next day she never got the money on her card, so we brought her cash. And another day, the girl called and said that she got our translation and she is now transferring the money back to us. This is a story of trust from strangers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna