— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In 2006, when the main engines of romance were Isikyu and Quip, my girlfriend fell in love with a stranger from the internet. He found her "accidentally", wrote to a friend, but missed the cyphoric... Well, and then followed a year of midnight conversations and promises to meet. But all in any way, the time passed, and the girlfriend stuck in the prince of the network more and more, said that they are soul-mates, that it is only once in life and she met her fate! The prince even sent some photos to her sometimes, like a cute guy... The girlfriend generously responded with her photos and fantasized about their life together. Sometimes they even called together, but the guy was humble and quickly translated the communication back into the test format. “His voice is strange, but it makes him nervous.” And most importantly, he was distinguished by some magical insight and poetry. When the mood of my acquaintance broke, he could write something like, “I felt you were sad, look up at the sky, it was one for two!” “And there, you can imagine, two birds fly around the sky! It is us! It is a sign!” There was only one “but”, the prince was from somewhere in Siberia, my friend from the Volga. Distances are not cosmic, but, in those young times, seemed insurmountable... But for now! Both of them went to institutions in Moscow. Let it be different, but it doesn’t matter... The case even came to a joint choice of an apartment for rental, on the Internet, but it’s a step! Here is the day X. The first meeting! And Daniel turned out to be the girl of Dasha. Not just from the next class, but from the next class. She literally stalked her chosen woman, miraculously not giving herself. The photo of the prince she skillfully subtitled from the internet, but most importantly, she sincerely believed that their future is possible and my girlfriend will understand and forgive everything. The worst thing is that it happened. After the institute, they both moved to the Netherlands and have been happy together for 15 years.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna