— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story is quite funny. And I remembered this when I heard about the sentence to a police officer who allegedly stifled George Floyd, this law-abiding citizen of the United States.

by Fabula.
In a rather distant time, I lived with my wife in Arizona. A small house, stable income, everything I liked.
Until they appeared.
After six months of neighboring with African Americans, it became simply unbearable to live, neither regular police calls nor conspiracies saved, nor even the offer of bribery to a sheriff known for five years - to humiliate this shell.
Nothing at all.

It was then that we and our neighbors co-operated, and daily began to go out into a voluntary patrol, covering ourselves with the fact that we were looking for a rush that attacked a child (and at that time it really was such a case, and the shooting of rushes in Arizona is not prohibited, they are not a guard).

Then they thought. They began to behave much quieter. Because of their mentality, of course.

I don’t want to say that this particular case is suitable for everything related to them, but it seems that it’s all about it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna