— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Xxx: By the will of fate, I was brought to my mother at the age of 6 to work, to sit in her office and not light up until lunch. The office is not direct to her. There were 5 people sitting there. of accounting)

And here I sit in the corner far from my mother, there was only free, I draw, I look out the window, I tick in the calculator, I pick up the wooden bills. And he enters. The Director. The look immediately falls on me.

Director: Oh, who is here with us? In fact he knew.

I: It’s me... No, who?) is

Who is your mother here?

I: Well he’s sitting, doesn’t it look like it? But my grandmother said I went to Daddy’s breed more. I only got a beard from my mom. But she understands nothing of us. How do I look like my dad when I’m a girl?

Mom was sitting on the red tomato, and the other women were either crying or laughing. The director laughed, gave someone the documents brought and left with the words "and you will not argue"). At home, of course, my mother bothered me that I answered the whole director. I am in this situation for the first time. Improved as I could.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna