— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The journey by three planes, a sleepless night on the train, and finally the final stage – I sit on the plane on a transatlantic flight. As she sat in the chair, she fell asleep tired. Wake up, we are already flying. And I feel - whether the air is dry, or whether the allergen is nearby, but the eyes suddenly began to tear, the nose flows. I went to wash, returned - they already distributed food. I call the steward-Canadian, I say that I was missed. They are very polite, friendly. With readiness asked what I preferred, stumbled, brought a nose. and does not leave. He stands, moves and looks at me with compassion. He says, “You are... don’t be upset, please, don’t have to! We have a lot of food, enough for everyone!”

And I sneeze, while squeezing my allergic nose, wiping my eyes from tears.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna