— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I go home from Moscow by train. I sit at the window. A man and a woman aged 40 are in front of me.

A man takes a huge suitcase on the wheels and puts it right above me on the upper shelf. Half of the suitcase hangs from the shelf. The further dialogue:

I: Man, take your suitcase off the shelf, it’s dangerous.

M: We have no place in our feet to put him, people walk side by side, nothing will happen to him on top, where do I put him?

I: Well, if you are so sure, move him closer to you from me, so that he does not fall on my head.

Q: Girl you are so interesting, and he thinks that should fall on my husband's head or me?

A ten-second scene, a passing conductor begins to argue, a worcha man removes the suitcase.

Here, while a conductor stands next to it, another man with a child comes in. A couple of villages in their place. The woman suggested: since you are still late (before leaving another 10 minutes), sit down on the free seats, we have already unloaded things and top clothes.

The man who has tickets to these places says: if we were late, the train would have left, here is not a show in the theater, free the seats.

The spouses blow, deliberately pull the rubber, gather like turtles. Eventually, they leave with shaken faces. It turned out that their seats were side-by-side, which were cheaper.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna