— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a cousin, a beautiful but lazy girl. During his studies at the institute, he changed several boys. Only the matter came to joint living, almost immediately dropped guys: well, I did not want to clean up and cook, to set up a household, so to speak. All dreamed of overseas men, say there is no need not clean or cook, or at least do everything in turn.
And then on high school, she went to some student program in the United States for a year. So it stayed there, but the visa ended, and as far as I know, she lived there without any legal grounds. As I don’t know, don’t ask, but I lived and worked as a waitress in a barbecue and even bought some killed cage in credit.
Over time, I met a man there, met a little and started living together. In fact, the households were divided equally. She was in the seventh sky, all wrote to her brother what men there, how women appreciate. Until the month is over. Here her fellow resident and issued an invoice, this is what you bought, this is me, this is the invoice for renting an apartment, for utilities, all equal, half, in general, reduce the debit with the loan please. She was dumb, and there was no money. Then her ideal overseas man rushed for not being able to plan a budget and offered to borrow her money for a month and even without interest. And then she couldn’t stand it and arranged a classic scandal, with beating laptops of phones and everything else that got under her hands. The man did not wait until his head was broken and called the police. The most democratic court in the world ruled either immediate payment of damages (something about 10 thousand) deportation or prison. From the world by thread collected and sent her relatives the necessary amount. So broke my niece’s blue dream of perfect overseas men.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna