— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Grandfather went fishing, and in the boat, in addition to the snails, he also threw a pig. Why do you need it, you ask? As it turns out, it is needed. very needed. I think, my dear friends, you will also be interested to find out why fishermen have long taken a pig in a boat. 20 years ago, I sailed to the Volga river at 3 o’clock in the morning to get up. The boat I had was rubber, and the depth below me was 20 meters. All this was accompanied by a thick fog. We did not know of any navigators at the time. The bottom was measured with anchor, and returned home not by compass, but by their own eyes. One morning, in the same fog, next to my rubber boat, a huge sumo sailed out and "played." In other words, swallowed the water with a tail. It was terrible. I thought for a moment what would happen if he turned the boat.
The fog, the flow, and the jacket we did not carry with us. And I sailed back to wait a couple of hours on the shore until the fog passed. Then I realized I didn’t know where the shore was. Oh, I would have a pig!
Although this may seem funny, the pig is perfectly oriented in unfamiliar terrain and swims well. Just like a shark, but only a pig. The fishermen took a crush into the boat and, if it was foggy, threw it out of the boat. She is home, the fishermen are behind her. This type of navigator was in our ancestors. So if you are going to fish in the fog, take a pig with you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna