— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Leonid Gaida before shooting the comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession" appealed to the design bureau with the task of developing a layout of the Time Machine for the film. For six months, the specialists of the bureau were spelled over the "invention" and were born with the project of almost a real spacecraft. The main character of the picture - the single-inventor Shurik even in his most bold dreams would not be able to approach such technical perfection. A fundamentally new solution was needed. The deadlines were already pushed, the shooting was coming to an end, and at the same time the director could not "send" one Ivan Vasilyevich to the past, and another to our time. And then Gaidai was advised: "There is such a specialist by the name of Počechev on "Mosfilm". At that time he worked as an artist-sculptor on the painting "Ruslan and Lyudmila", and the talk about him went through the "Mosfilm", as about a master on all hands: and the fairy forest will create, and the boundaries of Chernomore. Negotiations were held on an equal footing. Gaiai was on the ground because of the shortage of time. I was rattled because of a shortage of money. And already two days before the desperate director lay a new project. Vyacheslav brought a large sheet of vatman, on which the coal was depicted something: tubes, cloves, balls, springs, snakes. And the wires! Absolute abstraction and unprecedented obscurity. The filming group stumbled. The shootings clearly collapsed... But Почечуев was eloquent, artistic and persuasive (he had to feed his family). And Gaida surrendered, not looking for another "inventor". In the shortest possible time, all the truths and lies, but the Car was assembled. There were two helpers. They pulled out of the warehouse some pieces that remained after "Solaris" Tarkovsky. We came to the city of Klyn for a glass factory, placed an order (which, according to rumors, almost the next day made a couple of bottles of vodka by Uncle Vasya from a grocery shop). They bought flashes, flashes, reagents, dishes for chemical experiments, and the machine appeared in the pavilion in all its glory. As soon as she earned, from the first launch, she fell in love with the entire filming group. Something in her mysteriously whirled, glittered and whirled, and rolled. The film was saved. As a result, the sculptor himself received a prize from "Mosfilm" - forty rubles and a certificate from the accounting office: "Money issued for the invention of the time machine", and without any hints.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna