— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ]
Home cat - noble man, taken from the street 2 years ago.
He went home and here a black creature came out of the basement and whispered complaining.
I called home - the woman came, looked - we take.
From the first days the toilet only in the bowl
Then I thought, I was apparently taught.
It is mid-April and the snow has fallen.
Wife says, walk with him on the fresh snow.
I went, bought a necklace with a leash, attached it, I took it on my hands and then the nightmare began.
How he wept, how he wept!! to
I say - that it was already in his life - apparently the former "owners" threw him out on the street, the cat's memory makes it feel, apparently he thinks - again they want to throw him out on the street.
Never went so.
Be kind to those you have taught.! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna