— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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To the story of the meteorostand on the island of Reunion (in the form of a rope hanging stone).
In the U.S. state of Wyoming there is an original wind indicator. Usually, the wind indicator is a striped mattress jacket - the more it is stretched horizontally, the stronger the wind. In Wyoming, instead of fabric, a heavy iron chain was used, one end of which was welded to a pillar thrown into the ground. And below the column is given a plaque with explanations: which angle of the deviation of the chain from the vertical corresponds to what strength of the wind.

Here is this table.
0 degrees: the indicator is broken, notify the meteorological service
30 degrees: light breeze
45 degrees: soft zephir
60 degrees: Hurricane
75 degrees: beware of low-flying trains
90 degrees: Welcome to the wonderful Wyoming!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna